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  • Nanowhite fresh acne solution

Nanowhite Fresh Acne Solution

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Home Remedies for Acne: Your Way to Get Rid of Acne and Pimple

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that affects over 85% of people, especially young adults. Dealing with acne and pimples can be a frustrating experience but if you use the right approach, it can be managed. 

There are various methods you can use to get rid of pimples like prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. While these methods work to reduce acne breakouts, they can be costly and cause other side effects like skin irritation, redness, and dryness.

That is where home remedies come in to get rid of acne. In this guide, I will take you through tips on how to get rid of acne naturally. You will also learn in detail what is acne, what causes acne, types of acne, and how to remove acne. Let’s begin!

Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne and Pimples

If you are looking for natural ways on how to get rid of acne, there are many home remedies you can try to treat acne. These methods treat existing acne, treat pimples, and leave your skin glowing and healthy.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a product you can find in almost every kitchen. It is commonly used to fight a wide range of bacteria and fungi. Apple cider vinegar contains citric acid and zinc oxide which are essential components that help with acne.

Tea Tree Oil

According to various studies carried out, tea tree oil can also help reduce acne. This product contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that kill P. acne and the bacteria that lead to acne. Its anti-inflammatory properties make tea tree oil best for reducing the swelling and redness of pimples.

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that are not only good for your health but also reduce acne. Green tea also contains polyphenols that eliminate bacteria and reduce inflammation. People with acne can also apply green tea extract on their skin, and this minimizes the production of sebum and pimples.


Like tea tree oil, honey also contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It has been used for many years to cure wounds and also works best to reduce acne symptoms and reduce infection.

Aloe Vera

You can moisturize your skin with aloe vera, which works best to fight bacteria, make wounds heal faster, and reduce inflammation. Aloe vera also treats other skin conditions like rashes, burns, cuts, and psoriasis. 

Aloe vera contains essential components like cinnamon acid, salicylic acid, sulfur, and lupeol, which all kill bacteria that can lead to pimples. 

Other methods to reduce pimples

If you have acne-prone skin, these methods also work to reduce pimples.

  • Reduce stress;
  • Apply witch hazel on the skin;
  • Limit dairy intake;
  • Use honey and cinnamon mask;

Understanding the Causes of Acne and Types of Acne

Now that you know some home remedies for acne, it is great if you understand the causes of acne and the types of acne. Acne is a skin condition where the follicles under your skin become clogged. Acne is commonly associated with hormonal fluctuations among teenagers but also adults can get it. Let’s dive into the causes of acne and the types of acne you should know.

Causes of Acne

Acne occurs when pores of hair follicles get clogged by dirt or dead skin cells. This leads to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads, which are the symptoms of acne. Some of the major causes of acne include:

Excess sebum production

Sebum refers to an oily substance produced by your skin that helps to keep your skin moisturized. When there is too much production of sebum, the pores get clogged, and this causes acne.

Dead skin cells

This is another major cause of acne where your skin sheds dead skin cells regularly. The dead cells go to the surface of your skin and when there is too much sebum production, the dead skin cells stick together, leading to acne. 

Hormonal changes

Acne can also result from hormonal changes in your body most common during menstruation, pregnancy, and puberty. The hormones make your skin’s oil glands overproduce sebum leading to acne. Hormonal acne appears around the jawline, the bottom of your cheeks, and the lower part of the face.


Your skin has a type of bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes that can get into your pores and multiply. This leads to swelling or redness on your skin, resulting in pimples. When the inflammation reaches deeper into your skin, acne appears.

Types of Acne

Before you choose any acne treatment, you should first know the type of acne you are suffering from. This will help you take the right measures to reduce acne and get the right acne medication. Each type of acne has a different treatment ranging from prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications to home remedies for acne.

It is great to talk to your dermatologist to get the most effective treatment for the acne type you have. Below are the most common types of acne.


Blackheads refer to clogged pores that feature a black top. They contain dead skin cells and excess oil. The black hue doesn’t necessarily mean dirt turns it black. It results from irregular light reflection from the clogged hair follicles.


Whiteheads are clogged pores with a white top and they are closed at the surface of your skin. They happen when skin cells and oil prevent the clogged hair follicles from opening.


These are large lumps with pus inside below the surface of your skin. Cystic acne indicates severe acne and they form when the hair follicle walls break as a result of inflammation or infection.


These refer to larger, painful and solid lumps below your skin surface that result from the buildup of secretions from the deep hair follicles.


They refer to small red pimples with pus at the tips.


These are small red bumps that are raised and result from infected or inflamed hair follicles.  

Preventing Acne: Treatments for Acne and Lifestyle Changes

Which is the best treatment of acne? Several treatment options and skin care products help prevent acne and get rid of pimples. If you experience acne, you can use these tips to treat acne.

Wash your face properly

If you have acne-prone skin, you should wash your face twice a day to get rid of excess oils, dead skin cells, and impurities on the surface of your skin. However, do not over-wash your face because it can make acne worse.

Understand your skin type

If you know the type of skin you have, it will be easier for you to choose the right products and know which ones to avoid. There are products designed for oily, normal, dry, and combination skin types.

Stress management

You can combat acne if you keep your stress levels down. Stress results in more sebum production and this leads to clogged skin pores, resulting in acne. Manage your stress by practicing relaxation techniques or doing exercise and this can prevent acne.

Enough sleep

Lack of sleep leads to increased stress levels and this causes breakouts. Getting enough sleep can also help you prevent acne.


Whether you have severe or moderate acne, you can get the best treatment plan depending on the severity of your acne. Conventional acne treatments are available for moderate to severe acne or mild to moderate acne. 

Talk to your dermatologist to get quality acne products that will help get rid of pimples fast. People with acne can get various treatments for acne medications like tropical medications, oral medications, prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, and light/laser therapy.

The Role of Tea Tree Oil in Acne Treatment

If you want to improve acne and get rid of pimples fast, using tea tree oil works best. Tea tree oil has been used for many years as a traditional medicine and it works well to fight acne naturally. 

Tea tree oil plays an important role in acne treatment because it contains antimicrobial properties that kill the acne-causing bacteria and reduce acne flare.

It also contains anti-inflammatory effects that minimize redness on the inflamed pimples. Tea tree oil also dries up excess sebum on your skin that results from overproduction. You can apply tea tree oil on your skin by adding a few drops to your skin moisturizer.

It is also worth noting that tea tree oil helps to improve acne but it is not a cure for acne. Some people with acne can also experience irritation or allergic reactions when they use tea tree oil. Therefore, it is best to do a patch test first before you apply it on your face.

When to Find Professional Help: Recognizing Severe Acne

If you have tried several home remedies and nothing seems to work, it is good to seek professional help – it could be that you have severe acne. You can tell if you have severe acne when you experience many breakouts on your face, back, and chest. Sometimes, the breakouts can appear on your neck and along the jawline.

Breakouts from severe acne go deeper to the skin and this causes painful nodules and cysts. If your acne doesn’t go away after several self-care remedies, you should see a doctor. Visit a dermatologist if you notice that your breakouts aren’t getting better even after consistent treatments.

The doctor can recommend several treatments for severe acne like antibiotics, medicines to apply on the skin, or acne therapy. Such treatments can help clear acne and ensure new scars don’t appear.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use acne treatment if I am pregnant?

Most oral acne treatments are not safe for pregnant women. If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, it is good to talk to your healthcare provider about the best treatment for acne.

What can make acne worse?

If you scrub your face too hard, this can make acne worse. Using textured towels and brushes to clean pores can damage your skin’s top layer, leading to more buildup and irritation which worsen acne.

How long does it take for acne to disappear?

It can take roughly 1-2 weeks for acne pimples to disappear on their own. However, if you are on medication and practice a good skincare routine, the acne can disappear faster. For severe acne, it can take several weeks even if you are on a treatment plan.

What types of food can cause acne?

Certain types of food can cause acne like sodas, French fries, burgers, milkshakes, hot dogs and much more. Young adults and teenagers who take high fat diets have an increased risk of getting acne.

Can acne lead to scars?

Yes, acne scarring sometimes takes place, especially if the acne goes to the top layer of your skin, leading to damages on the deeper layers of your skin. Avoid popping the pimples on your face to prevent acne scarring.

Which part of the face does acne occur?

Acne breakouts commonly occur on various parts of your face like the forehead, chin, and nose. Acne can also occur on other parts of your body like your jawline, neck, shoulders and even buttocks.


Acne is a skin condition that can affect your self-esteem and impact your mental health. If you are suffering from acne, we have outlined some effective home remedies that you can use to help acne go away. If the home treatments don’t work, you can visit a healthcare provider for stubborn acne. 

Acne is not a permanent condition so it can go away if you use the right products that match your skin type. Don’t be tempted to pick or pop the acne pimples because it can lead to scarring. Most importantly, have a consistent skincare routine and live a healthy lifestyle. I hope this guide has enlightened you on what is acne, its causes, types of acne and the right treatments.

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